We support a holistic approach to the health and wellness of students, faculty, staff, and community members. We frequently partner with campus-wide departments to offer educational programming and prevention services, while creating and building community. Our prevention and educational approach to health and wellness focuses on changing behaviors, healthy lifestyle choices, and creating a unified culture to educate the campus community on the lifelong benefits of maintaining a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.We strive to empower the university community to make informed decisions and develop skills that enhance well-being, to foster a campus environment in which employees and students thrive intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically by developing collaborative relationships and educational outreach.
The Health Promotion team will be available via email from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday during this interim period as recommended by the University response: Heather Sadowski at hsadowsk@richmond.edu; Sarah Lee at ssheppa2@richmond.edu and Kaylin Tingle at ktingle@richmond.edu. This includes functions of The C.A.R.E. via email to ktingle@richmond.edu.
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Wellness Coaching for our students, faculty and staff are available by appointment via email to hsadowsk@richmond.edu.
Massage Therapy
If you have been impacted by the cancellation of a massage therapy session due to the closure the Weinstein Center for Recreation since March 17 for the COVID-19 response, you are eligible for an extension of your massage therapy session until June 30, 2021. This extension pertains to only those who have been impacted from the dates of March 17 – when the Weinstein Center reopens. If you have any further questions, please contact Heather Sadowski.
Heather Sadowski
Director of Health Promotion
Health Promotion-Weinstein Center
Phone: (804) 287-6368
Sarah Lee
Health Educator
Health Promotion-Weinstein Center
Phone: (804) 289-8581
Kaylin Tingle
Healthy Relationship and Violence Prevention Educator
Health Promotion-Sarah Brunet Hall
Phone: (804) 289-8654
The Department of Health Promotion offers a wide variety of educational programs, workshops, and trainings for students and employees. This form can also be completed by any University member who wants to request a program for their group.
There are no events currently scheduled.